Since the 1950s, a silent warfare has been waged on the masses, and it has reached its most critical level now. Who is pulling all the strings and injecting the Progressive Virus into the population? What is the ultimate goal of the system that’s dumbing down humanity? What do we need to do to reclaim our power? On this episode, bestselling author of the book Of Tyrants and Tellers, Sonny Arvado, shines a light on the systems that are enslaving us, and how we can protect ourselves.
A lot of people think when it comes to any type of warfare, you need to brainwash an entire population. You just need to strategically get the established individuals under your wing. -Sonny Arvado
At the start of the show, we talked about the evil and darkness we are seeing in the world and who is behind it. Next, we discussed the American university system and why it’s nothing more than a scam. Sonny went on to share what made him write Of Tyrants and Tellers, and he gave tips to help men take ownership of their lives. Towards the end of the show, he talked about why smart, strong men are so necessary, now more than ever.
We also spoke about;
The world needs smart, strong masculine leadership, and it’s no coincidence that there’s a mission to dumb us down and make it impossible for us to stand up for ourselves. The media and the elites pulling the strings want us to live in fear and stay enslaved to the system. If you put all the pieces together, their ultimate goal is depopulation and eugenics. So how do we defend ourselves in this war? The number 1 thing you can do is take care of your health and fitness so you can become bigger, stronger and healthier. It’s all about regaining strength across the spectrum, in mind, body and spirit. Everything we need to survive will flow from that.
Guest Bio-
Sonny is the creator and founder of, a website that focuses on a wide variety of men’s interest topics. His specialties include: bodybuilding, masculinity, personal brand building, professional networking, culture/psyops, dating advice, social skills, and mindset training. He is also the author of the book Of Tyrants & Tellers: Stand Tall. Build a Masculine Culture. Win the War on Men. To see more of his work go to and buy his book on Amazon.
To Download Your FREE PDF Copy of the Amazon Best Seller: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, Click Here For a FREE Paperback Copy. The TRT MANual has helped hundreds of thousands of men around the world reclaim their health and vitality. Don’t suffer in silence a moment longer! PS. As an added bonus, upon finishing the book-once you provide a Thoughtful, High Quality Review on Amazon (hopefully 5 STAR), we will send you our new unreleased eBook 7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Testosterone for FREE.*
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The human body can heal itself if it’s given the right tools. Why is hyperbaric therapy one of the most powerful ways you can rejuvenate your body and prevent potential concussions? What are microvascular ischemic changes? What are simple ways to live a more insulin controlled lifestyle? On this episode, Dr Scott Sherr is here to share on the limitless advantages of hyperbaric therapy.
If you optimize everything, you can have a dramatic effect on the rest of your life. -Dr. Scott Sherr
At the start of the show, we talked about how the only way to fix the medical systems is for doctors to create their own. Next, we talked about why there’s no longer a barrier of entry for women who want to do hormone replacement therapy. Scott also shared on the power of giving your body the right nutrients, the right diet and the right optimization. Towards the end of the show, we talked about the future of healthcare.
We also spoke about;
The truth is, you are either investing in your health or investing in your disease. Hormone optimization, living a insulin controlled controlled lifestyle, good nutrition and exercise are all ways you can invest in a health management plan. The body has a wonderful ability to heal itself, and it doesn’t matter how old you are, or how your lifestyle was before. If you start now, you will change the rest of your life for the better.
Guest Bio
Dr. Sherr is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician with additional certification in Hyperbaric Oxygen Medicine. He graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from UCLA with a BA in History and BS in Psychobiology. He then attended University of Maryland Medical School and Residency Program where he graduated Magna Cum Laude from the former with Alpha Omega Alpha Distinction. Dr. Sherr is a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society and the Society of Hospitalist Medicine. He works as an integrative HBOT physician in San Francisco and has a special interest in the use of HBOT for traumatic brain injury & stroke. He has lectured on these topics both locally and nationally. Dr. Sherr is also one of the few medical doctors in the country using an integrative approach to hyperbaric care (with targeted lab work, diet, and supplementation) to further advance HBOT’s ability to heal wounds. Go to for more information and follow @DrSherr on Twitter.
To Download Your FREE PDF Copy of the Amazon Best Seller: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, Click Here For a FREE Paperback Copy. The TRT MANual has helped hundreds of thousands of men around the world reclaim their health and vitality. Don’t suffer in silence a moment longer! PS. As an added bonus, upon finishing the book-once you provide a Thoughtful, High Quality Review on Amazon (hopefully 5 STAR), we will send you our new unreleased eBook 7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Testosterone for FREE.*
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Insulin controlled living is the biggest topic in fitness, nutrition and optimization right now. What are the dangers associated with not keeping your insulin intake under control? What is the biggest mistake most intermittent fasters make when it comes to training? How are people wasting massive amounts of time at the gym? On this episode, Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes is here to share high-value wisdom on getting the most out of your workouts, and dialing in your insulin.
If you want to have average health, have average health. If you want to have optimal health, you’re going to have to sacrifice something and/or go without it for sometime. -Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes
At the start of the show we talked about insulin control, and how insulin production contributes to the diseases of aging. Next, we talked about how bad our social ignorance of our own biology is, and why most people don’t need as many carbs as they eat. We also discussed why you shouldn’t train fasted, “we don’t want to train a muscle under conditions of low glucose and low circulating glycogen.” Alex also shared how the environment is slowly distilling poison in us, and the factors we can control on a daily basis to mitigate it.
We also spoke about;
People have no conceptualization of how holistically whole their health is, they tend to have a compartmentalized attitude. Everything you do is connected and self-determined, so optimizing your hormones, insulin controlled living and exercising are all in your hands, not a doctor’s. The people who are living their best lives have taken personalized control of their health, and that’s the best approach. As you age, your body will change and you have to ask yourself these objective questions, what do you want your quality of life to be, and how optimal can you keep your health? Base all your methodologies on those two questions.
Guest Bio
Alexander is personal trainer and writer, who has made health, fitness, and all subjects thereof his area of focus and study for the last 8 years. Go to to sign up for his daily newsletter, or see more about his work.
To Download Your FREE PDF Copy of the Amazon Best Seller: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, Click Here For a FREE Paperback Copy. The TRT MANual has helped hundreds of thousands of men around the world reclaim their health and vitality. Don’t suffer in silence a moment longer! PS. As an added bonus, upon finishing the book-once you provide a Thoughtful, High Quality Review on Amazon (hopefully 5 STAR), we will send you our new unreleased eBook 7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Testosterone for FREE.*
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Outside of the UK, it’s pretty brutal for men to get hormonally optimized, and to even look into age management. What is the best way to go about getting the right help with TRT? Why is building muscle such a critical part of being healthy? Why does TRT work best when you’re actually exercising and taking good care of yourself? On this episode, we are joined by Michael Kocsis who shares on these topics, and on the work he’s doing.
You cannot see the benefits of hormone optimization if you don’t engage in some form of exercise. -Michael Kocsis
At the start of the show, we talked about the state of hormone optimization medicine in other parts of the world. We also talked about the importance of not just focusing on sickness. We also discussed why muscle is the greatest deterrent to aging diseases and the importance of putting fitness and TRT together.
We also discussed;
There are so many pitfalls of the socialized medical care system. A lot of the physicians put more focus on sickness than they do on wellness, and doctors would rather prescribe a chemical than natural testosterone. To beat these pitfalls, you have to take charge of your own health and find a doctor who really understands what you need. It’s also important that you eat right and workout so that you’re getting the full benefit of your work with hormone replacement therapy. When you get the sweat and endorphins going, the testosterone works that much better and it will help with recovery.
Guest Bio
Mike is the Director/Medical Facilitator at Balance My Hormones. Go to for more information.
To Download Your FREE PDF Copy of the Amazon Best Seller: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, Click Here For a FREE Paperback Copy. The TRT MANual has helped hundreds of thousands of men around the world reclaim their health and vitality. Don’t suffer in silence a moment longer! PS. As an added bonus, upon finishing the book-once you provide a Thoughtful, High Quality Review on Amazon (hopefully 5 STAR), we will send you our new unreleased eBook 7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Testosterone for FREE.*
(To receive book, email a screenshot of your posted review.)