The sick care system has failed society, making us more sick and less fertile. What is the solution to this crisis? How can we make the future better for the population? What is causing the chronic testosterone imbalance plaguing so many men? On this episode, Dr. Merrill Matschke returns to talk about why he is so passionate about wellness and preventive medicine.
Medicine has become about following the robotic clinical pathways and taking care of sick people. -Dr. Merrill Matschke
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Dr Merrill shares how he became disillusioned with the current healthcare model, and how he’s transitioning out of it. He shared how the sick care model is failing the population and the talked about the alarming decline in fertility in Western cultures. We also discussed why diabetes among young people is becoming alarmingly more prevalent. We also talked about phlebotomy, and the importance of finding a doctor who actually has experience with optimization.
We also spoke about:
Human life is unsustainable if we continue to neglect health and wellness. We have to incentivize people to take care of themselves. The current medical system has to be swept away and rebuilt from the perspective of prevention and wellness. There’s no cookie cutter, template approach to optimization. We have to come down to a precision-type medicine where we treat everyone individually, because everyone is different.
Guest Bio
Dr. H. Matschke, MD is a board certified urologist who also has an interest in cenegenics and preventative medicine. Follow him on Twitter or @MatschkeMD or email
The average guy doesn’t take his health seriously, but has serious health problems. What changes can you implement to really turn things around? What is the biggest problem in our educational system? What are the benefits of weight training and building muscle? On this episode, Dr. Bob Harding talks about personal health, the health of the nation and why he’s leaving the sick care model and transitioning into functional and integrated age management medicine.
There is a huge opportunity for corporate America, the food industry, the education system and the medical community to improve diet. -Dr. Bob Harding
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Dr. Harding shared how he took control of his health, and what’s causing the metabolic crisis in men. Next, we talked about the shortcomings of the educational system when it comes to nutrition. We also discussed a few steps you can take to be healthier, the importance of limiting your screen time, and why we should take advantage of the availability of information on the internet.
We also discussed:
People are getting sicker at a younger age, and it’s because of how little they know about their health and all the negative impacts of their lifestyles. The only thing you can do as a physician or as a patient is to take ownership and be proactive. What we need to do is control our carbohydrate intake, set ourselves up to become insulin resistant, weight train, get enough sleep, and decrease blue light exposure. These steps will change your health forever, no matter how old you are.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Bob is a Men’s Age Management Physician with an Integrative and Functional Medicine perspective. Go to for more information or email
There are a lot of physicians who still believe that TRT will exacerbate prostate cancer, and that people on TRT can take AIs. What does research actually tell us about this? Why should you consider optimization? What is the relationship between sex hormone binding globulin and testosterone? On this episode, double board certified physician and PhD candidate, Dr. Nick Sakkas goes deep on these questions and provides insights backed by some interesting recent research.
Testosterone induces cell apoptosis of prostate cancer and inhibits proliferation. -Dr. Nick Sakkas
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Dr. Nick shared how he got started, and we talked about sex hormone binding globulin and why its levels will determine the effectiveness of TRT. Next, we talked about a huge misconception people have about prostate cancer and TRT, and what the research really says about it. We also discussed what so many doctors are getting wrong about estrogen with optimization patients, and how you should really consider AIs. Towards the end, we talked about androgens and calcium retention.
We also discussed:
Hormone replacement will change your life in many ways, including inhibiting the proliferation of prostate cancer. When it comes to TRT, it’s not wise to rush into taking an AI. Wait for both your estrogen and testosterone to stabilize, for between 6 months to a year. It’s also necessary to consider your sex hormone binding globulin. It is the center of all hormonal evaluation, and must be considered before undergoing TRT.
Guest Bio
Dr. Sakkas is a physician, researcher and PhD candidate in the field of molecular endicronology. To get in touch, find him on Facebook or email
We spend very little time on male reproductive health, and a lot of men are in dire need of it. What are some of the factors that physicians should be tracking? How are the side effects of short term memory loss and anxiety on testosterone mitigated? What is the first thing that needs to be done in the case of a patient suffering from a metabolic emergency? On this episode, we are joined by author and physician, Dr. Rob Kominiarek to discuss insights in testosterone and health.
You have to use Aromatase Inhibitors very strategically to solve issues. -Dr. Rob Kominiarek
At the start of the show we talked about why there’s no one-size fits all approach to optimization, and how to deal with patients who experience anxiety and panic attacks. Next, we talked about what so many doctors get wrong when it comes to Aromatase Inhibitors and why men need estrogen.
We also discussed:
There is no single recipe for testosterone optimization. An individualized approach has to be taken. That’s why it’s critical for a patient to get labs to determine what they need. Some physicians put patients on Aromatase Inhibitors right away, and this is a mistake. A lot of the side effects and problems we see on testosterone can be solved by adjusting dosage, not bringing AIs into the mix.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Rob is a bestselling author and physician with an expertise in Interventional Age Management Medicine and BioIdentical Hormone Optimization. Interventional Medicine focuses on optimizing your health and enhancing your quality of life while simultaneously reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, bone fractures, dementia, and other disorders of aging. Go to or find him on LinkedIn
When it comes to age reversal and complex regeneration in humans, a basin of research has been put in front of us. How much do we know about the brain, consciousness, and death reversal? As Big Pharma makes a trillion dollars annually, are they interested in finding cures? What valuable lessons are we learning from evolution? On this episode, we have an in-depth conversation about exciting developments in biology with Bioquark CEO, Ira Pastor.
The symptoms of a disease are nothing more than late-appearing indications that something is wrong. They have nothing to do with the biological factors that come beforehand. -Ira Pastor
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Ira talked about his background and shared on how the pharmaceutical industry deals with disease. Next, we talked about complex regeneration and the animals that are able to do it. Ira also talked about how to slow down the aging process by looking to nature for the answers. Towards the end, he shared on why he’s excited about the future of biology.
We also discussed:
There’s a lot to be excited about in the fields of age reversal and curing chronic degenerative disease. Human beings could have a beautiful future thanks to advances in science and technology. There are endless possibilities when merging biology and physics. It’s critical for us to study death from a therapeutic angle and study the evolutionary reasons behind medicine and biology. Ultimately, this is how we will make strides in complex tissue regeneration, reversal of diseases, and reversal of aging.
Guest Bio
Ira is the CEO of Bioquark. He has over 30 years of experience across multiple sectors of the pharmaceutical industry including pharmaceutical commercialization, biotech drug development, managed care, distribution, OTC, and retail. Go to to learn more.