We are now living far beyond our reproductive years, and this is why optimization has become so necessary. What can we learn from epigenetics? How is stress affecting our health in a major way? On this episode, Dr. Paul Thompson shares some of the factors affecting our endocrine health.
Three Takeaways
The longer you live, the more risk of a mutation resulting in cancer.
Taking time to mentally decompress or engage in some form of stress relief has a tangible, positive impact on your health.
Stress caused by screens and the toxic environment has caused people to become physiologically ill.
At the start of the show, Dr. Paul shares how he got started and why physicians should always be liaisons for their patients. We also talked about epigenetic mutations amongst young men and women and whether there’s a relationship between heart disease and optimization.
We also discussed:
We have been exposed to more neuro-endocrine disruptors than any other time in history, and it’s having a massively negative impact on our health, happiness, and peace. There’s no way to avoid the disruption completely, but there are ways to control it. Always being connected to our screens and devices is decreasing our physical health. Optimizing yourself isn’t just about hormones. It’s about de-stressing, eating well, spending time in nature, and taking care of yourself. This way, we can live longer while also being happy.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Thompson is a doctor Certified in Age Management Medicine. He is the founder of The Thompson Clinic, a nationally renowned Age Management Practitioner and Healthy Living Specialist as well as a go-to expert medical source for national media outlets. Go to https://www.thethompsonclinic.com/ for more information.
So many people are still confused about the benefits and side effects of testosterone optimization. What causes this misinformation and uncertainty? Are there any side effects when Therapeutic Testosterone is administered correctly? Why are so many people are concerned with the long term risk of using Testosterone? Join Dr. Merrill Matschke, Dr. Jim Meehan, Dr. Robert Kominiarek, Dr. Eric J. Fete, and myself as we discuss why decades of evidence go ignored. We get real about side effects and compare & contrast optimizing vs. not using testosterone.
The resistance to optimization nowadays is because of the improper ways it was done in the past. -Dr. Eric Fete
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, we talked about the different delivery systems and the effects and benefits they have. We also talked about how to change people’s view of testosterone optimization, as well as the factors that are driving confusion about TOT.
We also discussed:
The biggest cause for the amount of conflicting messages when it comes to testosterone optimization is the lack of a cohesive message from authoritative institutions and doctors. The truth is, if done appropriately, the benefits far outweigh any side effects of this treatment. For us to move forward and help more people, doctors need to know what they are doing, follow procedure accordingly, and engage clinical response.
The biggest issue in hormone replacement therapy is that doctors are too lab-focused instead of patient-focused. How does this lead the medical community to overlook testosterone resistance? What are the different levels at which testosterone resistance occurs? What does “optimal” actually mean? On this episode, Dr. Keith Nichols talks about nuances of optimization that often get ignored.
Three Takeaways
Aging significantly affects our organs which leads to decreased tissue responsiveness. This impacts the metabolism of testosterone at a cellular level.
We need to stop treating for a number and start treating for symptoms.
With injectables, the best delivery method is daily. It’s best for mimicking endogenous release. Second best is every other day, and third best is two injections 3 times a week.
At the start of the show, Dr. Keith shared how his work in hormone optimization started with his own personal experience. Next we talked about the history of how the medical community went from being patient-centered to lab-focused. We also discussed how aging affects tissue responsiveness and a patient’s testosterone levels.
We also discussed:
Hormone replacement therapy is really very simple, and there’s no need to manipulate a lot of variables to optimize a patient. What creates problems is when physicians are so obsessed with numbers instead of treating someone until their symptoms are under control. If we don’t do this, we’ll still see men with so-called “normal numbers” not getting treatment even when they desperately need it.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Keith is a medical doctor at Tier 1 Health & Wellness. He is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He has served as a team physician for the Nashville Predators of the National Hockey League, a ringside physician for Strikeforce and the Ultimate Fighting Championships, and has consulted in the care of many other high school, college and professional athletes, including the Nashville Kats of the Arena Football League and the Tennessee Titans of the National Football League. Go to http://www.t1institute.com/ for more information.
In today’s culture, being a woman and owning your femininity isn’t really popular but that’s what’s destroying relationships. What is the real reason behind the masculinization of women? How can we improve our relationships and reduce the alarming divorce rates? How can we use marital therapy to improve things for both women and men? On this episode, therapist Dr. Taylor Burrowes shares on some of the factors affecting relationships and how we can address them.
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Dr. Burrowes shares what she does, who she helps and the root of so many people questioning their gender identity. We also talked about what is causing divorce and what can be done to fix it. Next, we talked about how to help both men and women in marital therapy.
We also discussed;
Being a woman in this day and age is so confusing with all the expectations, and most have responded by shutting down their femininity. Secondarily the men have become weaker and this is really threatening the balance and harmony in relationships. There has to be a way to help both sides - without taking an overly feminist view and forcing men to change their basic nature. Marital therapy and relationship coaching should also be about how we can empower men and women without the skewing the situation.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Taylor a licensed marriage and family therapist (PhD) and mental health counselor who has worked with couples, individual, families, and groups for 13 years. Go to https://drtaylorburrowes.com/ for more information.
Good eye health goes way beyond eating carrots, and we have to pay attention to it. Is there any connection between metabolic imbalances and eye issues? How does this affect a diabetic person? Can eye issues be prevented, or even reversed? On this episode, Dr. Sam Berne shares how he solves countless eye issues and why it’s possible to actually do so, even when a condition is genetic.
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Dr. Sam shares how he got started focusing on eye health and how he cured his own eye issues. We also talked about what makes up an eye-healthy diet, and some of the biggest myths in eye care. Towards the end of the show, we talked about how vision problems are actually rooted in the brain.
We also discussed:
Vision problems aren’t rooted in the conventional aspects of the physical-- they are rooted in the brain. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of doctors delving into this and looking at how eyesight and vision can be improved or repaired. As a result, a lot of people think their issues are genetic and can never change. However, utilizing nutrition, fitness, and overall health can absolutely have a positive impact.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Sam Berne has been in private practice in New Mexico for over 25 years and where he works with patients to improve their vision and overall wellness through holistic methods. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Pennsylvania State University, Doctor of Optometry from Pennsylvania College and did his postdoctoral work at the Gesell Institute in collaboration with Yale University. He has been awarded The Special Awards for Service from the Behavioral Optometrists in Mexico for his innovative and holistic work with children. Go to http://www.drsamberne.com/about/.
Recently a website called testosteroneaddiction.com has sprung up, and it’s important that we speak on it. Why are the website’s claims incorrect? Where does this misunderstanding and miscommunication about testosterone come from? What can we do to fix it? On this episode, we dispel the myth that testosterone is addictive and bad.
There are so many young men with low testosterone and estrogen dominance-- and they don’t even know it. -Daniel Kelly
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, we talked about why the idea of testosterone being addictive is so incorrect, and what’s actually causing it. We also discussed how incompetent doctors have made life harder for men.
We also covered:
Misinformation about testosterone is so pervasive these days, and the “testosterone addiction” website encompasses how a lot of people feel about testosterone even though these views are misguided. The truth is, testosterone cannot cause physiological addiction. Despite this, a lot of men have been led completely astray by incompetent doctors who have no idea what they are doing. These people have come to hate testosterone and share a false message that treatment is a bad idea. It’s so critical that we call this out and help people learn the truth.