The fields of stem cell treatment and regenerative medicine are about to break wide open in healthcare. Why are stem cells such a huge part of where medicine is going? Why is the sick care model so opposed to it? What are the common uses of stem cell treatments? On this episode, I talk to stem cell scientist and influencer, Dr. Kristin Comella, about the work she’s doing and her fight against the sick care model.
You can use the stem cells to your advantage to essentially make your technology work better. -Dr. Kristin Comella
At the start of the show, Dr. Kristin shared how he got started, and why the sick care system is not a fan of optimization and regenerative medicine. Next, we talked about how stem cell therapy works and where it can be applied. Dr. Kristin also shared the challenges she’s had with the US government.
We also discussed;
In the shift from the sick care model to regenerative, preventative optimization medicine, stem cells are going to cause a huge paradigm shift and address so many issues in the human body. Researchers have discovered that stem cells can be applied to any sort of damaged tissue and that is set to completely revolutionize wellness and healing. This is available to all of us, as we all have stem cells. Their purpose is to maintain and heal tissue where they’re applied. The power to make ourselves better resides in us.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Comella is a stem-cell scientist and a world-renowned expert on regenerative medicine with a focus on adipose derived stem cells. She was named number 24 on Terrapin’s list of the Top 50 Global Stem Cell Influencers and number 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 Stem Cell Innovators. Most recently, Dr. Comella made the list of Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors/Scientists in the country by, one of the most visited natural health websites in the world. Go to for more information, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
To sign the My Cells, My Choice petition go to
Anabolic steroids get a really bad rep. The mainstream media vilifies them because of bodybuilders using supraphysiological doses. What are the benefits of anabolics when they are taken in physiological doses? What disruption do you create when you use supraphysiological doses of steroids and withdraw from them? On this episode, author, expert and scientific advisor, Dr. George Touliatos is back to talk about anabolic steroid misconceptions, optimization and bodybuilding.
In order to use anabolics to get jacked, run faster, or jump longer, you need supraphysiological doses— but they have side effects. -Dr. George Touliatos
At the start of the show, Dr. George shared how he got started, and the truth about anabolic steroids that we don’t hear in the media. Next we talked about the side effects of anabolic steroids and who is more likely to experience them. Dr. George also shared on his own experience with anabolics and why health is not a priority for a lot of professional bodybuilders.
We also discussed:
Anabolic steroids have a bad name in the media and in most people’s minds, but this view is based on the side effects of people who take supraphysiological doses. Physiological doses have benefits, but they do not have the performance enhancing and cosmetic results that are so vilified. There’s also the view of steroid users as super aggressive and angry, but that’s not how everyone reacts. The side effects and negative reactions have a lot more to do with the individual and the lifestyle they lead.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Touliatos is an author, expert and scientific advisor to MuscleMag and Muscular Development Greek editions. Buy his book here
You can find him on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Many guys use growth hormone in order to build up their body composition and reverse aging. Does it really achieve this, or does it actually do more harm than good? What is the pharmacology of injectable testosterone? What is the best way to work out if you want to live long and be functional? On this episode, I’m joined by the founder of Fortitude Training, Dr. Scott Stevenson, to go really deep on these topics.
People would rather inject something instead of just changing their lifestyle, but major lifestyle changes are have so much more payoff. -Dr. Scott Stevenson
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Scott shared why greatest thing that can come from our lives is learning to be self-actualized, and why so few people reach that point. Next we talked about interindividual differences that play a role In the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of injectable testosterone. We also talked about the two types of growth hormones, and how replacement therapy only deals with one of them.
We also discussed:
Increasing growth hormone does nothing for life expansion, and its impact on body composition is not significant. You basically end up with a bunch of negative side effects, which don’t bode well from an anti-aging and health standpoint. While it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective for us to look for the quick fix and the easy way out, there is no injection that can take the place of a healthy lifestyle, eating well, working out and getting enough sleep. If we want a real payoff with our health, this is where we should put our effort.
Guest Bio-
Dr. Scott W. Stevenson, PhD, LAc is an applied exercise physiologist (PhD from University of Georgia, ACSM and NSCA-certified), licensed acupuncturist (State of Florida) and competitive bodybuilder (four overall titles, including the 2009 NPC Mr. Arizona, and four top 5 national level showings). He is the founder of Fortitude Training and the author of a few books including Fortitude Training and Be Your Own Body Building Coach. Scott has over thirty years in the gym and two decades of experience personal training and coaching online. Go to for more information.
In a bid to get optimized, many men end up buying grey market steroids which do a lot of harm. What are the problems a lot of men are facing because of these products? What protocols would a smart doctor put in place to wean them off? What is the first step to a doctor helping their patients? On this episode, I’m joined by the Anabolic Doc, Dr. Thomas O’Connor, to talk about his work and the men he helps.
Every man has a fingerprint, which means I tailor his medicine just for him. -Dr. Tom O’Connor
Three Takeaways
At the start of the show, Dr. Connor shared how he got started and why he works with men exclusively. Next we talked about why so many primary care docs avoid diagnosing for low T, and Dr. Connor shared the complications that make doctors hesitant to do this. We also gave a list of the some of the impacts of testosterone, including hair loss and puffiness. Dr. Connor talked about how he helps people who abused grey market steroids, and the use of weaning protocols.
We also discussed:
TOT comes with side effects, which are controllable, but only doctors who are well-versed in all the facets of treatment can really help patients. This knowledge takes time and effort to gain, and most primary care physicians don’t have the time to dedicate toward it. For doctors with time and a passion for testosterone optimization, it’s not about rushing to treatment. Everything starts with a handshake, a sit-down, and a conversation to find out what’s going on. This helps doctors tailor the right approach for each patient.
Guest Bio-
Dr. O’Connor is the Physician-In-Chief at the Metabolic Doc and the Anabolic Doc. His medical practice consists of a range of specialized, comprehensive and preventative medical services exclusively for men: Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Anabolic Recovery Medicine, and Metabolic Men’s Health – focusing on aggressive cardiovascular disease prevention, quality of life, and prostate health. Go to for more information.
Having more visceral fat on your body is associated with a higher mortality rate. What are the risk factors that come with a higher rate of visceral fat? How does weightlifting and cardio fit into a plan to reduce it? How can you become more self-regulating? On this episode, doctors and I talk about the dangers of visceral fat and tips, hacks and strategies to reduce it.
Three Takeaways
You can eat and get ripped on a diet that’s not necessarily healthy for your arteries.
High protein diets in certain individuals will escalate inflammatory markers, but Mediterranean diets work very well.
A device like the Skulpt Body Fat Scanner can help you keep track of your body and make you more self-aware and self-regulating.
When you build muscle the bone will follow.
At the start of the show, Dr. Rob talked about his upcoming presentations, and then the doctors shared their strategies for reducing visceral fat including diet, exercise and supplements. The doctors also talked about the importance of being realistic about what their patients can do with their health. We also talked about the importance of getting real exercise, not walking the dog or doing steady state cardio. “If you want to burn fat, you have to incorporate high intensity interval training (HIIT), low intensity, long duration exercise doesn’t work for fat burning.” We also answered questions on structural integration, the use of peptides and joint issues
We also talked about:
Visceral fat is hazardous to health because it plays a role in the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer if it goes unchecked. It’s so important to come up with a targeted plan to get rid of hormonally active visceral fat because it will make a big difference to your health. Get your visceral fat measured by a doctor or invest in a biomedical tool that allows you to measure it yourself. Reduce your intake of alcohol, bread, sugar and soda and adopt a Mediterranean diet. Exercise is necessary too, even 20 minutes of HIIT training on an Assault Bike will make a huge difference.