
The Jay Campbell Podcast

Today’s healthcare system is flawed. Break free from the limitations of “sick-care” and discover what it means to live life FULLY optimized. A former champion men’s physique competitor and current 4x international best selling author in the optimized health care space, Jay Campbell is a global thought leader on hormones, biohacking and higher consciousness. Since returning from 12 days in The Sacred Valley of Peru, he's experienced a profound awareness of the importance of #RaisingTheVibration of humanity to reach planetary consciousness aka unconditional love. On the Jay Campbell Podcast, Jay interviews empowered servant leaders helping to propel humanity towards full spectrum optimization of the body-mind, heart and soul. Are you the best version of yourself? Claim: I AM Giving, Receiving and BE-ing Love! Raise Your Vibration To Optimize Your Love Creation!
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The Jay Campbell Podcast










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Now displaying: May, 2018
May 29, 2018

We talk a lot about physical disruption, but we also need to talk about the mental disruption people are suffering. What is the problem with atheism, and why is it a symptom of a greater disease? Why is fear so prevalent in people today? Why are people so driven to escapism? On this episode, Jason Grey, Daniel Kelly, and I have a deep conversation about how we can cure the fear, skepticism, and general bad health gripping our society.

It’s about pulling out of your situation, and having the awareness that there’s something more than just your situation. -Jason Grey


  • Believing in nothing will prevent you from ever going to a level of life where you will be happy, content, and able to gracefully serve others.
  • Skeptics live by one thing only: fear.
  • You can only manifest the consciousness to control yourself.
  • If you live your life based on the fear of what could, should, or might happen, you’ll be controlled and suppressed by those fears.

At the start of the show, we talked about just how much the men in our world are typified by estrogen dominance. Next, we talked about the real reason so many people have become atheist, and how we’re enslaved by our survival programming.

We also discussed:

  • How we’re being disrupted both physically and mentally
  • Why living in fear is so pointless
  • Why video games and Netflix are a lot like Xanax


At the center of the atheism, skepticism, escapism and addiction is fear. The media exacerbates it with messaging that tries to keep us in constant fight or flight mode because it makes us very easy to control. So how do we cure this? Become aware of what’s happening outside of yourself, optimize your hormones and lifestyle because this makes it harder for your fear response to be triggered. Believe in something bigger than yourself, and remember that life is about living, not fear.

May 24, 2018

One in three men today has erectile dysfunction, and we’re seeing an increase in younger men facing this problem. What is causing this major health issue? Why is sexual health an early indicator of cardiac issues? Why is Cialis a great solution for this problem, and when should a young man consider getting a script for it? On this episode, we talk about why prioritizing sexual function is so critical to our survival as a species.


Three Takeaways

  • The explosion of men with ED is really tied to the obesity epidemic in our general population.
  • The vascular tissue in the penis is an early warning system of changes of endothelial dysfunction
  • Cialis has a long half-life, so you can take it everyday or every other day and benefit from it.
  • As the bladder ages, it becomes less like a healthy rubber band and more like a old rubber band. Its compliance goes down, and it’s believed to be caused by a lack of blood flow.


At the start of the show, we talked about just how common ED has become in young men. We talked about the connection between penile vascular tissue and our cardiac function, and why we have the opportunity to act before it gets really bad. We also talked about the benefits of Cialis, and why more people should be using it.

We also discussed:

  • The psychological, societal and physiological factors leading to ED
  • The optimal strategy for solving the ED crisis
  • Some of the key changes that happen to your sexual health as you age

Considering the fact that heart attacks are our highest killers, improving our sexual health can literally save our lives. The healthiest of us are going to maintain sexual health, and this will also reflect in metabolic health and cardiac health. The penis isn’t just a blood vessel-- it’s a vascular sponge that has the most sensitive tissue that ages faster than any other blood vessel. If people with ED have an 80% increased risk of a heart attack or a cardiac event, we should be working to save these people while we still can-- when we can mitigate the early signs. Ultimately, survival of the fittest is survival of the sexiest.

May 22, 2018

Peptides aren’t just the new trendy thing in health. They are vital for addressing so many conditions and diseases. What are some of the many different health concerns it can be applied to? Why is selectivity so important if you’re using peptides in the long-term? What are the best peptides for building muscle? On this episode, we talk to VP of Business Development at Tailor Made Compounding, Ryan Smith, to go deep on peptides and their applications.


Three Takeaways

  • The people who hold the money in the sick care model are not the doctors or the patients-- it’s third-party payers and insurance companies.
  • The only people who benefit from SARMs are people selling it underground.
  • Falstatin for human therapy is tricky because it hasn’t been thoroughly tested.
  • Thymosin beta-4 and BPC are repair and recovery products that athletes should be able to use.


At the start, Ryan shared how he got started in the industry, and we talked about the problems with the sick care model. We then discussed the strengths and benefits of peptides, muscle-building peptides, and dealing with hypertrophy. Toward the end, we discussed Cerebrolysin for anxiety, opiate-withdrawal and pain management.

We also covered:

  • Using tesamorelin and ipamorelin
  • Whether SARMs are really worth it
  • How peptides can benefit injured athletes

The sick care model has completely failed. People get worse, become dependent on drugs, and never get healthy. This is what’s driving the interest and use of peptides. They are the future of medicine because of just how many health and optimization problems they can solve. Peptides are great because they don’t have many side effects from a metabolizing standpoint, and you don’t have to worry about drug interactions.


Guest Bio-
Ryan is the VP of Business Development at Tailor Made Compounding. Go to for more information.

May 17, 2018

Climate change is one of the hot topics in the mass media at the moment, but nobody dares to take any action against  the estrogen in the water, pesticides, cosmetics, and plastics. Do you know how to look for estrogenic ingredients? Are you constantly using plastic containers and plastic bottles? How much do you stay in front of your computer every day? In this episode, Tanei Ricks, a PhD of Bio-Organic Chemistry shares the shocking discoveries about the amount of estrogen we are bombarded with, as well as its effects.

The estrogen is the environmental war that is waged on all of us. It doesn’t matter where you live. -Jay Campbell


Three Takeaways

  • Estrogen is everywhere. It’s in our water, cosmetics, and even the soil. The result is a drop in fertility and a rise in endocrine diseases that lead to the masculinization of females and the feminization of males.
  • When you take medication that mimics your body’s hormones, you stop producing it by yourself. When women stop taking the pills, their estrogen levels drop.
  • Blue light disrupts your sleeping patterns. Sleep is very important for your endocrine system. As a consequence, sleep deprivation can lead to hormonal imbalances.


In the beginning, we talked about the negative impacts of estrogen in both males and females. We also addressed the sources of estrogen (polluted water, cosmetics that contain endocrine disruptors, and pesticides).

We also covered:

  • The impact of blue light on melatonin
  • The protective role of activated charcoal, turmeric, and magnesium
  • The dangers of plastic


Estrogen is everywhere, and it’s bad news for both males and females. But the good news is that you can protect yourself from the devastating effects of hormonal imbalances by eating properly, using the right water filters, and reading labels. Many of the cosmetics we use contain one form or another of estrogen, or some sort of endocrine disruptor. If you feel you need extra help in the fight against estrogen, there are a few supplements that help your body get rid of the excess hormones. Activated charcoal, turmeric, and magnesium are among the best options for an estrogen detox.

Guest Bio-  

Tanei Ricks is a science enthusiast with a PhD in Organic Chemistry. His goal is to bring his knowledge outside the walls of academia and educate people on becoming healthier versions of themselves. He is also the creator and the host of The Segregationist Papers Podcast, as well as a chemistry professor. You can find him on Twitter and on his website, Tanei the science guy, Phd

May 15, 2018

Most people don’t see any real results from their ab workouts because they are training them incorrectly. What are the 3 planes of motion necessary for successful ab training? How does training while standing up change everything? In what ways is the fitness industry a sham? On this episode, physiotherapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Michael Griffith shares on our detrained sedentary culture, being a diabetic patient, and training your abs the right way.

To get the most comprehensive workout, it helps to train all three planes of motion. -Michael Griffith



  • Men don’t have functioning endocrine systems because of inactivity-- the lack of any real movement and exercise.
  • For a lot of diabetics, the pain of not feeling good and the high from the insulin spiking is far greater than the joy of changing their lives and becoming healthy.
  • Your abs move in all three planes of motion-- up and down, side to side, and rotationally. You have to train all 3 to get the most out of them.
  • Training your abs standing up is going to enhance your performance. You get more muscle recruitment and your hips aren’t blocked by the floor.


At the start of the show, Michael talked about his work and some of the issues we see with millennials. Next, we talked about how sedentary lifestyles have affected so many men’s endocrine systems, and how to make sure you’re not over-consuming protein when you do ketogenic dieting. Towards the end, Michael shared on his 3D abs program.

We also discussed:

  • Why the fitness industry is a sham
  • How to kill the “jiggle monster”
  • whether being a type 1 diabetic limits workouts


The current fitness and gym model is a sham because it’s not built to help people actually get results. Look at the way people have been taught to train their abs: they do sit-ups and leg ups all day with no results. What we should be doing is getting wide range of motion for our abdominal muscles, and training while standing up so we can get better muscle recruitment. Remember: putting in the right type and amount of effort will get you to your fitness goals faster.


Guest Bio-
Michael is a physiotherapist with 16 years of experience working with high school, collegiate and now pro athletes to get to the CAUSE  of prolonged injuries when traditional approaches haven’t worked. Michael has appeared in Men’s Health, is a sought after speaker at coaches clinics, continuing education courses for therapists and trainers, and for athletes wanting to go beyond conventional therapy to find the cause and get back faster. Go to for more information.

May 8, 2018

People’s hormones are a far cry from what they were 25 years ago. What are some of the factors causing this? How can we apply hormone therapy to help men and women gain confidence, and manage their weight and energy? What are the best peptides for men and women? On this episode, I talk to one of the biggest pioneers in the hormone optimization space, Dr. Uzzi Reiss.

Estrogen is the beginning of the symphony. -Dr. Uzzi Reiss


Three Takeaways

  • A lot of people on treatment don’t feel good because they aren’t getting enough hormones in the first place.
  • Estrogen suppresses the breast cancer stem cell, while chemo and radiation increase breast cancer stem cell occurrence.
  • To lose weight, your body needs energy. In menopause, women have less which makes it more likely that they’ll gain weight.
  • Tesamorelin is very effective at breaking intra-abdominal fat


At the start of the show, we talked about how estrogen suppresses the breast cancer stem cell, and why menopausal women tend to gain weight. Next, we talked about how to control weight gain, and how to help men maintain a healthy level of testosterone.

We also discussed:

  • The use of peptides
  • How society’s hormone levels have changed over the last 25 years
  • Why all the hormones in our bodies are important


Most physicians know nothing about hormones outside of what pharmaceutical reps tell them. This leads to people not being treated sufficiently, creating more problems. We’re in a state where both men’s and women’s hormones have dramatically changed in the last 25 years and this is where intervention comes in. When people correctly manage their hormones, it can have profound effects mentally and physically. It can also alleviate feelings of regression, which can also boost self-esteem. All these things make for a happier and healthier society.

Guest Bio-
Dr. Uzzi Reiss is an American private practice gynecologist offering anti-aging medicine services. His California-based practice is The Beverly Hills Anti-Aging Center for Men and Women & Advanced Nutrition and Hormone-Based Gynecology.

May 1, 2018

The sick care system is so broken that men who need testosterone are living in fear and shame instead of getting the help they need. How do we fix this problem? How can we debunk the myth of over-the-counter testosterone boosters? On this episode, I talk to Dr. William Parker on optimization protocols for both men and women.

There are peptides out there that offer amazing healing and restorative qualities. -Jay Campbell


Three Takeaways

  • The disconnect with testosterone for most men is that you can’t get it reimbursed through insurance, and you have to go out of pocket. The best doctors are cash-only.
  • Consider HCG only if you’re having ejaculate issues.
  • Women who don’t have naturally high testosterone are much more imbalanced before and during menopause.


At the start of the show, Dr. William Parker shared how his work as a doctor bred an unhealthy lifestyle and how he turned it around. We discussed education, the use of HCG and who should and shouldn’t use it. We also discussed why so many men struggling with low testosterone live in fear and shame.

We also covered:

  • Why over-the-counter testosterone boosters are a myth
  • The importance of avoiding fake hormones and medication
  • The use of peptides


When we get to a certain age, it’s optimize or else. The alternative to optimization is multiple pills, feeling terrible, depression and disease. Testosterone is vital to being a man, and it’s shameful that optimization is out of reach for so many men that need it. What people need to understand is that there’s no boilerplate answer; you have to work with a physician who is experienced with managing men’s endocrine systems, and you have avoid the black market and fake stuff. The correct optimization protocol will have you feeling happier and more energized. It will improve your sleep and give you long-term good health.


Guest Bio-

Dr. William Parker is the clinical director at Paradigm Hormones. He is a board certified surgeon and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Previously, Dr. Parker was the Department of Surgery Chair at Mercy Memorial Health Center and the President of Ardmore Surgery Management. Go to for more information.